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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>z-arama-motoru(site-ici)-1</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Dion ( --> <!-- Web Site: --> <!-- Begin var item = new Array(); /* Here is where all the magic happens. Just enter as many additional pages that that you want to search, then fill in the additional listings for each page. */ // "Page Name","path","Page Title","Many,Key,Words","Descriptive Comments" c=0; item[c]=new Array("index.html","","DemoSite","index,main,start,home,front","Demonstration search engine data about an imagined but probable internet site."); c++; item[c]=new Array("about.htm","","About Me","about,author,contact,email,who","Contact details and general information about the creator of the site and what the site is about."); c++; item[c]=new Array("links.htm","","Links page","links,more,where,similar,friends","Links to my favourite sites which I find interesting. Other friends sites which have similar interests to my own."); c++; item[c]=new Array("main.htm","main/","Main Page","content,main,focus","The main part of my site which contains what you have come to see. Lots of stuff like that and more great things. All in a sub directory."); c++; item[c]=new Array("logo.jpg","main/images/","Link Logo","link,image,logo,graphic","The logo.jpg is just a small image which you can place on your site as a link to me. It''''s in a second level subdirectory."); page="<html><head><title>Search Results</title></head><body bgcolor=''''white''''><center><table border=0 cellspacing=10 width=80%>"; function search(frm) { win ="","","scrollbars"); win.document.write(page); txt = frm.srchval.value.split(" "); fnd = new Array(); total=0; for (i = 0; i < item.length; i++) { fnd[i] = 0; order = new Array(0, 4, 2, 3); for (j = 0; j < order.length; j++) for (k = 0; k < txt.length; k++) if (item[i][order[j]].toLowerCase().indexOf(txt[k]) > -1 && txt[k] != "") fnd[i] += (j+1); } for (i = 0; i < fnd.length; i++) { n = 0; w = -1; for (j = 0;j < fnd.length; j++) if (fnd[j] > n) { n = fnd[j]; w = j; }; if (w > -1) total += show(w, win, n); fnd[w] = 0; } win.document.write("</table><br>Toplam Sonuç: "+total+"<br></body></html>"); win.document.close(); } function show(which,wind,num) { link = item[which][1] + item[which][0]; line = "<tr><td><a href=''''"+link+"''''>"+item[which][2]+"</a> Score: "+num+"<br>"; line += item[which][4] + "<br>"+link+"</td></tr>"; wind.document.write(line); return 1; } // End --> </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <center> <form method=get action="javascript:void(0)" onsubmit="search(this); return false;"> <tr><td><input type=text name=srchval value="" size="20"><input type=submit value="Ara"></td></tr> </form> </center> <p><font face="Tahoma" size="2">Örnek olarak index, about, links, focus, image kelimelerini deneyebilirsiniz.</font></p> </BODY> </HTML>
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